Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First Journey to STAR

The first person that I met on my way to STAR to report to the school in early January 1967 was Allahyarham Nawawi (fondly remembered as Pak Wi).

We were both escorted by our fathers. He boarded the train at Gurun and I boarded at Bedong. (Bedong station was closed years already and grown with thick bushes). The train wan an old old coal fired locomotive and you could very well tell it from the look of your short when you disembark.

Pak Wi was my first friend to STAR. He hailed from Padang Lumat. While our fathers were deeply engrossed in their discusiion we spent the time together.

It was the most fantastic journey of my life. A journey into the unknown to start a new life. A journey that woven a new fabric of my life as to so many my other friends.

And like what my favourite mentor Anthony Robbins said "The future does not equal the past".

How true it was!

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